
How to Know if You Have Rosacea?

by Laser Clinics Canada on July 01, 2019

How to Know if You Have Rosacea?

Blood rushing to the surface because of prolonged exposure to the heat, embarrassment and alcohol consumption can all give us a flushed look. However, for others, constant facial redness can be a sign of rosacea, a skin disorder that’s often unrecognised and misunderstood. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial when it comes to rosacea, as the condition can increase in severity over time. Laser Clinics United Kingdom discusses more about the skin condition rosacea to help you determine whether you have it or not.

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a skin inflammation affecting the face caused by enlarged capillaries on the surface of the skin, giving a permanently flushed look. Other signs of rosacea include yellow-headed pimples on the forehead, cheeks and chin. Frequent blushing is often the first sign of rosacea, but over time, this can develop into a permanent redness as capillaries enlarge. Severe cases of rosacea can also cause the nose to be reddened and enlarged.

Rosacea symptoms like a flushed face, pimples and mildly swollen cheeks can often be confused for normal occurrences. Other more telling signs include enlarged and visible capillaries, non-tender lumps under the skin, a rash exclusive to the face and a burning or stinging sensation.

What Triggers My Rosacea?

Unlike simple blushing and acne, rosacea flares often have a trigger and can be quite inconvenient. When you flush, the redness stays longer than usual and repeated flushing can cause the skin to stay permanently red. Blood vessels become more visible and the skin can thicken as well. Because of this, the treatment for rosacea on the face becomes more difficult, as solutions that have worked before may no longer be effective.

Aside from finding the best rosacea treatment, it’s important to know what causes it in the first place. Knowing what triggers your rosacea can help you avoid these and avoid flare-ups. Common triggers for rosacea are sunlight, stress, spicy food, alcohol, the wind and the cold and exercise. There are also some skin and hair products, makeup and medicine that can cause your rosacea to flare up.

Friendly Skin Care Tips if you Have Rosacea

If you already know your triggers, there are a few things you can do to help reduce your flare-ups. Here are some tips:

  • Invest in Sun Protection - Because sunlight is the top cause of rosacea flare-ups, sun protection is essential every day of the year. In fact, even after you have undergone rosacea skin care treatment, it’s important to protect your skin for the sun by applying a broad spectrum sunscreen and avoiding the midday sun as much as possible.
  • Choose Skin Care Products Properly - Rosacea and skin care go hand in hand, as the products you choose and the way you wash your face all contribute to the redness. Choose gentle products and use only your fingertips when applying the cleanser to your face. Skip the harsh washcloths, toners and astringents that can cause a stinging or burning sensation.
  • Choose Dermatologist Graded Treatment- To learn how to treat rosacea properly, it’s best to consult a professional. Laser Clinics United Kingdom can recommend the best options for rosacea face treatment to give you optimal results.


Why Consider Kleresca® Rosacea Treatment

Laser Clinics United Kingdom recommends Kleresca® for rosacea because of its effectiveness and process.

Kleresca® is a non-invasive treatment that utilises light to penetrate deep into the skin and target rosacea signs and symptoms by stimulating the skin’s repair mechanism. This procedure is proven to improve the visible symptoms of rosacea, reduce the burning and stinging sensation, reduce inflammation and erythema and improve the skin’s overall quality and condition. Kleresca® is also an effective acne rosacea treatment as it can reduce the presence of papules and pustules.

Say goodbye to redness and sting and book a complimentary consultation with our team today!